The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries renewed their condemnation of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip holding the nation legally responsible for the ongoing attacks that has targeted innocent civilians and resulted in the death of thousands of Gazan civilians, most of them women and children, in a clear violation of international law and international humanitarian law.
This came in a statement delivered by HE the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani, on behalf of the GCC countries, before the Security Council meeting on the item, "Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question." She explained that the GCC countries reject the Israeli measures that aim to displace the residents of Gaza and reject the justifications for describing the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip as self-defence. They also have appealed to the international community to take the necessary measures, within international law, to respond to the illegal practices of the Israeli government and its policy of collective punishment against the residents of Gaza, in addition to providing international protection to the brotherly Palestinian people.
The GCC countries condemn the occupation forces' targeting of civilian facilities and infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and refugee camps, as well as the killing of journalists, and targeting international facilities and the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, she said.
She added that the Israeli blockade of the Strip violates international humanitarian law and Security Council Resolution No 2417, which condemns the illegal prevention of the delivery of humanitarian aid, and condemns the use of starvation of civilians as a method of fighting.
HE Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani said the GCC countries have praised the success of the mediation efforts made by Qatar in co-operation with Egypt and the US to reach and extend the humanitarian pause, which allowed the exchange of prisoners and the delivery of assistance; and also expressed regret at the cessation of the pause. She added that the GCC countries also condemn the expansion of Israeli attacks to southern Gaza, threatening the lives of millions of displaced people.
Her Excellency said the GCC countries welcomed the UN Security Council adoption of Resolution No 2712, which calls for the establishment of urgent pauses and humanitarian corridors extending throughout the Gaza Strip, while demanding commitment for its full implementation. GCC countries also commended the step taken by the Secretary-General in sending a letter to the UN Security Council under Article 99 of the UN Charter, in which he called on the Council to declare an urgent humanitarian ceasefire.
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