Qatar has expressed its deep regret at the resumption of the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip following the end of the humanitarian pause, without reaching an agreement to extend it.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that negotiations between the two sides are continuing with the aim of returning to a state of the pause. It also clarified that Qatar was committed, along with its mediation partners, to continuing the efforts that led to the humanitarian pause, and would not hesitate to do everything necessary to return to calm.
The ministry stressed that the continued bombing of the Gaza Strip in the first hours after the end of the pause complicates mediation efforts and exacerbates the humanitarian catastrophe in the Strip, and in this context called on the international community to move quickly to stop the violence.
Qatar reiterated its condemnation of all forms of targeting civilians, the practice of collective punishment, and attempts to forcibly displace and displace citizens of the besieged Gaza Strip, and its demand for an immediate ceasefire and to ensure the continuous and unhindered flow of relief convoys and humanitarian aid, in a way that meets the actual needs of the residents of the Strip.
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