The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) honoured Monday students and supervisors who won in international contests and exhibitions of scientific research and innovation in the academic year 2022/2023.
Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Affairs Maha Zayed al-Ruwaili and Dr Hisham Mohieddin Sabir, the executive director of the Qatar Research Development and Innovation (QRDI) Council ‘s Qatar National Research Fund, handed the certificates to the winners.
The honourees won awards at the International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) in Malaysia, the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in the US, the Sheikha Fadia Al-Saad Al-Abdullah Science Competition for Girls in Kuwait, the International Invention Exhibition in Singapore, and the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada.
Head of the MoEHE’s Research, Talent and Innovation Department Dr Asmaa al-Mohannadi told the Qatar News Agency (QNA) that the 35 honourees, including 21 students, were feted Monday.
She said that on November 19-23 the ministry would organise the National Week for Scientific Research and Innovation, which will feature numerous research activities, scientific experiments and related training workshops in co-operation with a number of partners in the country.
Director of Educational Programmes at the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) Dr Abdullah al-Kamali told the QNA that the honourees are the product of the National Week for Scientific Research and Innovation, where best projects are selected, after winning local contests, to represent Qatar at international competitions and exhibitions.
He said that 711 projects will participate in the upcoming national competition for scientific research and innovation organised by the MoEHE in partnership with the QRDI, adding that these projects will be subject to scrutiny during the National Week for Scientific Research and Innovation.
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