To help individuals protect themselves from Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) has offered four key recommendations.
MSDs are prevalent conditions that affect many individuals. It encompasses a range of conditions that affect the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. They can result from various factors, including poor posture, repetitive movements, and incorrect lifting techniques.
PHCC has highlighted the importance of setting up ergonomic workstations and in maintaining proper posture. Simple adjustments to desk and chair height, computer monitor placement, and keyboard position can make a significant difference in reducing the risk of MSDs.
Encouraging individuals to engage in regular physical activity is crucial for musculoskeletal health. Exercises that strengthen muscles and improve flexibility can help prevent MSDs. PHCC suggests incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises into daily routines.
PHCC also educates individuals on the correct way to lift heavy objects. Techniques like bending at the knees, keeping the load close to the body, and avoiding twisting motions could prevent strains and injuries.
PHCC recommends taking short breaks to stand, stretch and to adjust posture, especially for those with sedentary jobs. These breaks can help relieve tension and to reduce the risk of MSDs.
"Musculoskeletal health is a vital component of overall well-being, and we believe that prevention is key. By following these simple yet effective recommendations, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders and maintain a healthier, more active lifestyle," said Dr Sameera Alhajri at PHCC.
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