Fostering an innovation ecosystem is imperative for Qatar to develop a knowledge-based sustainable economy, according to experts at the recently roundtable, organised by Ibtechar.
"In recent months, we have been approached by different governmental, corporate, private and local institutions with one big question: How can we incorporate innovation in our organisations? These institutions faced certain challenges in striking a balance between developing the skills of their employees and applying their set strategies and frameworks with the objective of enhancing innovation," said Nayef al-Ibrahim, chief executive officer and co-founder of Ibtechar.
This drove it to reflect on the subject and communicate with different stakeholders to identify the best solutions, he said at the event, titled ‘Corporate Innovations for Sustainable Growth’, convening industry leaders, experts, and innovators to foster insightful discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration to drive positive impact on businesses, the environment, and society.
David Luong, Digital Innovation Hub Leader at Hamad International Airport (HIA), defined corporate innovation and listed its sources as well as the enablers of transformative innovation.
Technology can be a wonderful medium for fostering inspiration and innovation, he said, adding ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, drones, robotics and supply chain networks are typical models of innovation.
"If a company wants to grow and thrive, it is significantly important for it to apply a supportive innovation culture and strategy. Additionally, it has to pay great attention to the engagement of its staff, stakeholders and customers to ensure that they are part of its transformative innovation journey," Luong said.
AlHasan AlSammarraie, founding managing partner at Applab, said technology has become a cornerstone for innovation and digital transformation.
"Innovation is all about adopting existing technologies, frameworks, methodologies to tackle problems that may affect the sustainability of a company such as reporting as well as measuring and reducing the direct costs of a company," he said.
The roundtable was part of a series of roundtables organized by Ibtechar, under its commitment to building a knowledge-based economy in Qatar by propelling practical innovation across all levels of society. To this end, the Ibtechar roundtables provide a platform for active dialogue, knowledge exchange and increased collaboration between various stakeholders and sectors.
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