Shada Bennbaia, Stars of Science Season 14 finalist, invented a unique wearable tech – a smart wristband – that tracks heart health and offers a convenient and accurate solution for continuous blood pressure monitoring.
"By integrating AI and advanced technology, my device (PULSTAE) provides real-time insights and beat to beat monitoring, empowering individuals and healthcare providers to proactively manage cardiovascular health and detect risks early," says, Bennbaia.
Bennbaia, looks to extend AI's role in user interactions, allowing the system to interact with users and gather information from them, and provide a more personalised experience.
"It's the fusion of cutting-edge technology, and AI makes my blood pressure monitoring solution truly innovative,” she says.
"As part of my vision for the future, I see immense potential in leveraging AI for continuous health monitoring and obtaining real-time feedback. By integrating AI algorithms into the monitoring process, my platform can provide instant insights into a person's health status, helping them proactively manage their well-being.
"AI can learn from each individual's data, making the system increasingly personalized over time. This personalisation will enable more accurate predictions and recommendations tailored to each user's unique health profile.”
Bennbaia also explains that the data collected through continuous monitoring of the patient can, through AI technologies, be harnessed to develop diagnostics and predictive algorithms, and in turn can potentially revolutionise how we approach healthcare, shifting from reactive to proactive management.
"AI has the capability to sift through vast amounts of data to identify patterns and correlations that may not be apparent through statistical analysis. By applying machine learning techniques, my device can potentially detect early signs of health risks and diseases, allowing individuals and healthcare providers to take preventive actions" she says.
For Bennbaia, her use of AI in this project marks just the beginning, and she believes that the future holds exciting possibilities, from real-time health feedback to personalized learning and advanced predictive algorithms.
She added: "It's these innovations that drive me to continuously push the boundaries of technology and AI to make a meaningful impact on people's lives."
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