The Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) has announced the launch of a GCC Smart Investor Award awareness campaign.
QFMA issued a statement Wednesday saying that it has been proactively participating in a joint GCC programme for investment awareness under the name "Mulim", which was launched by the agencies and authorities regulating financial markets in the GCC countries in 2020.
Since then, QFMA has taken part in making this programme a success throughout all its stages with the purpose of raising the level of investor awareness in Qatar and the other GCC countries, disseminating knowledge about the fundamentals of investment in financial markets, the methods used in fraudulent activities and the risks. This is in addition to ensuring the necessity of adopting strategies that can help in mitigating such risks and introducing the regulations and legislations that govern transactions in financial markets and eventually raise the standards of efficiency and safety in these markets.
Recently, the GCC investment awareness program, "Mulim", has announced the launch of the second edition of the GCC Smart Investor Award approved by the General Assembly of the GCC at the level of its member states with prizes of more than 1mn Saudi riyals in comparison with 275,000 Saudi riyals for the first edition of the award.
Concurrently with the efforts of the other regulatory authorities of the GCC financial markets, QFMA has launched an awareness campaign to introduce the award and shed light on its importance and role in terms of dissemination of financial and investment knowledge.
Acting Head of the Communications Section in the Public Relations and Communications Department at the QFMA, Maryam al-Heidous said that the concurrent launch of both a media campaign and the GCC Smart Investor Award in its second edition is in line with the great importance placed by QFMA on spreading awareness in the financial markets with the purpose of developing the skill and knowledge of investors as well as protecting and enabling them to take sound investment decisions at the right time and place. This will eventually encourage and develop investment within a safe financial market and an attractive investment environment, which will become a springboard for supporting the growth and diversification of the national economy.
The GCC Smart Investor Award aims at motivating both the nationals and the residents in the GCC countries to produce awareness-oriented content that engages in spreading an investment culture and an appreciation of the importance of saving and investment along with raising the level of an individuals financial knowledge to enhance his/her ability to draw sound future plans and achieve financial goals by taking correct financial decisions that lead to financial stability.
The award also aims at raising the level of financial knowledge and deepening investment awareness within the different social categories in the GCC countries, whether for nationals or residents, by acquiring the competencies and methods necessary for demonstrating the most effective ways for making use of financial resources and leading to the highest possible levels of success.
Al-Heidous explained that the scope of the award includes the categories of drawing, writing, photography and videography, whereas the topics covered by the award include saving, financial planning, developing sound financial habits, sound spending, depositing, financial terminology, expenses, extravagance and overspending, money and currencies, investment, financial fraud, protecting funds and investments, and money boxes.