HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held at its seat at the Amiri Diwan Wednesday. Following the meeting, HE the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs issued the following statement:
The Cabinet considered the topics on its agenda as follows: The Cabinet approved, in principle, a draft law amending certain provisions of Law No.(12) of 2008 regarding the contribution of certain companies involved in supporting the promotion of sports, cultural, social and charitable activities.
The Cabinet considered the following topics and took the appropriate decisions thereon:
1- A draft law for issuing child's rights law.
2- Study on the joint and specialised committees.
3- A report of the Grievance Committee of Qatar Financial Markets Authority on the results of its work.
The Committee — established by Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) under the chairmanship of one of the presidents at the Court of Appeal, and the membership of two judges from the Court of Appeal and two experts in the field of securities transactions — is concerned with adjudicating grievances in respect of some resolutions issued by the Authority.
4- The annual reports on the results of the work of the Permanent Committee for Monitoring Fuel Filling and Storage Stations.
The Committee is dedicated to developing general and uniform specifications and standards required for the fuel filling and storage stations in accordance with the general standards of Qatar energy on health, safety and environment; setting the necessary measures to ensure safety regarding general planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of fuel filling and storage stations in a manner that ensures the rehabilitation of the stations to keep pace with the State's cultural development; determining the type of activities permitted within the fuel filling and storage stations; and assessing the existing fuel filling and storage stations and indicate their compatibility with approved regulations and standards.
5- Outcome of the 110 session of the Arab Economic and Social Council at the ministerial level.
6- Outcome of the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al-Thani chairs the Cabinet's regular meeting.