Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday called for greater South-South co-operation to address the issues of climate change, desertification and land degradation.
Addressing the 14th edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Modi pitched for the conception of a global water action agenda, which, he said, is at the heart of achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).
“Going forward, India would be happy to propose initiatives for a greater south-south co-operation to address the issues of climate change, biodiversity and land degradation,” Modi said.
He stressed that the issue of land degradation is affecting two-thirds of the world. While addressing the issue of land degradation, the issue of water consumption and scarcity should also be addressed, he added.
“Enhancing water recharge and retaining moisture of the soil are part of the holistic land and water management. I call upon the leadership of UNCCD to conceive a global water action agenda which is central to the Land Degradation Neutrality strategy,” Modi said.
The prime minister also set an ambitious target for the country to restore the degraded land from 21mn hectares to 26mn hectares by 2030.
The UNCCD was adopted in Paris on June 17, 1994, and was ratified by 196 countries and the European Union. India ratified the UNCCD Convention on December 17, 1996.
Modi said that a centre of excellence would be developed at the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education which will promote South-South co-operation by sharing knowledge, resource and technology and training manpower to prevent land degradation.
India has been able to increase its forest cover, the prime minister said.
It is widely accepted that the world is facing the negative impacts of climate change.
“Climate change is also leading to land degradation of various kinds, be it due to rise in sea levels and wave action, erratic rainfall and storms, and sand storms caused by hot temperatures,” Modi said.
India is focusing on zero-budget natural farming, he said.
“We have also introduced a scheme to determine the soil quality of the farms. We have introduced health cards to farmers which enable them to grow the right type of crops, fertilisers and the use the right quantity of water. We are increasing the use of bio-fertilisers and decreasing the use of pesticides,” he added.
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