As the new academic year begins, Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) has suggested several tips for healthy and nutritious meals for children.
Breakfast increases the intake of key nutrition, cognitive performance, visual perception and short-term memory. Wholegrain cereals, yoghurts, fruit salad or single fruit and porridge are good breakfast options.
It is important to purchase a lunchbox that is suitable and appropriate for the child’s age and with serving sections to pack the lunch in proportion.
Only four or five things need to be included for lunch to give the children all the nutrition they need. They are food items containing protein, fresh fruit, vegetables and a snack.
Avoid unhealthy meals. It may be an easy option to just pick a ready-to-go meal or a packaged sandwich. However, it has no benefits to the child’s health. Studies show that an unhealthy meal will only keep anyone full for a very short period leading the child to be hungry quicker and either overeat or reach out for another unhealthy meal. 
After-school snacks are meant to fill the gap between meals, not a whole meal in itself. Keep snacks small. A good way to do this is to pair a protein-rich food with a carb-rich food. They can be an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter, yogurt and a granola bar, carrot sticks with some humus, string cheese or fruit salad.
Water is a very important part of a healthy, nutritious lifestyle. It is important to get children into the habit of drinking plenty of water every day. It regulates body’s temperature and carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells.
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