A former top aide to Britain’s Brexit minister David Davis branded his former boss workshy and clueless in an astonishing tirade on Twitter yesterday as the government presented its post-Brexit trade plans.
“He and the PM (prime minister) don’t have the first idea what they are doing,” wrote James Chapman, a former political editor at the right-wing Daily Mail who worked as Davis’s chief of staff until June.
Chapman has been highly critical of the government’s Brexit plans since leaving his post but had not previously attacked his former boss until Davis mentioned him in interviews yesterday.
“He’s been working 3 day week since day one,” Chapman wrote of Davis, after the minister said his former aide had supported Britain staying in the European Union since starting to work for him in 2016.
Contacted by AFP, the Brexit ministry declined to comment on individual claims made by Chapman but noted Davis’ public comments on the issue.
“James when he came to me was, I mean he was a Remainer, we knew that. But he did a good job, he was a good chief of staff,” Davis told LBC radio yesterday.
Before joining the Brexit team, Chapman was head of communications for then-finance minister George Osborne, who strongly backed staying in the EU in last year’s referendum on whether Britain should leave the bloc.
His scathing tweets, which shocked former colleagues, came the same day as Davis unveiled the government’s plans for post-Brexit trading arrangements.
Chapman accused Davis of telling “lies” about Britain’s future trade ties with the EU.
He also said Davis had once told Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico: “If you think we are going to pay so you can sell us your cars, forget it.”
He said Fico had been “horrified” by the statement.
Chapman said Davis had once telephoned EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier “by mistake thinking he was talking to a far-right friend” and has asked civil servants to help him put Brexit firebrand Nigel Farage’s number on speed dial on his phone.

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