Bharatiya Janata Party president Amit Shah yesterday rubbished charges of illegalities in the party’s land deals prior to the decision to demonetise high denomination notes and asserted that by the end of this year the country will become free of black money.
“Opposition parties are pointing fingers at the land deals by the BJP, but these were authorised in January 2015,” Shah said at the ‘Agenda Aaj Tak’ event here.
“In January 2015, we had decided to set up party offices in all districts of the country, and these land deals are in pursuance of that decision,” said Shah.
The party bought land across the country at 170 locations between January 2015 and November 2016, he added.
Opposition parties have alleged the BJP had prior information about the demonetisation and the land deals were done to turn black money into white.
Shah said the allegations were baseless.
“The deposits of money in the bank accounts are a mere coincidence. Moreover, the opposition should try to think logically. Why would we deposit money on November 8 and raise suspicion? This is nothing but a mere coincidence,” said Shah.
“Earlier, the opposition used to ask Modi what he has done to bring black money back. And now, after demonetisation, the opposition is asking why he did this,” said Shah, ridiculing the opposition.
The BJP chief said demonetisation was a historic decision, and asserted that the economy will get rid of black money.
“By December 30, the country will get rid of the entire black money,” Shah said adding: “The black money will either come back to the system through deposits in the banks or, if people don’t deposit fearing penalty, then the money with them will become useless after December 31.
“So both ways, the black money will be eliminated from the system.” 
Shah ridiculed former prime minister Manmohan Singh for opposing demonetisation.
Referring to Singh’s stinging criticism against demonetisation in parliament recently, Shah said the world renowned-economist, who long had been part of the country’s economic policy-making, should answer about India’s economic performance when his Congress party was in power.
“From 1975 till 2014, Singh, in various capacities, had been part of the country’s economic policy-making. Can he answer why the GDP growth rate fell to 4% during his reign from the 8% it had achieved under Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who is not an economist?
“Again a ‘chaiwala’ (Modi) is running the country and the economy is growing at 7.6%. It is for Singh to answer this,” said Shah who also said that “after seeing Singh, I don’t want to be an economist”.
Referring to assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh due next year, Shah said the BJP would come to power, and claimed that demonetisation has created a level playing field for all parties.
“Because of demonetisation, now there will be no black money in the elections. It has created a level playing field for all. If any party says it is having problems, then that means the party doesn’t want black money to be removed from the system,” said Shah.