

The Cabinet, at its regular meeting chaired yesterday by HE the Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, approved a draft law regulating private schools and another one regulating the practice of educational services, and decided to pass them on to the Shura Council.

The draft law also included provisions relating to the licensing and its procedures, the system of work and study and the investigation and disciplinary accountability, and the Supreme Council of Education (SEC) has the investigating authority with the licensee or any of the employees in the private school on the complaints and violations against them.

When this law comes into force, private schools should adjust their positions in accordance with its provisions within one year, and the Minister may extend the deadline for another similar period.

Under the second law, provisions of the law are applicable to educational services, including education or training services provided in the areas of language, computer, secretariat, accounting and administrative works, while they are not applicable to educational services provided by the government and non-government agencies for their workers.

The draft law included provisions relating to the licensing and its procedures, the work system at the educational centre and the regularisation of the positions of the practitioners of educational services in accordance with the provisions of the law within six months of the date of entry into force, and the Minister has the right to extend the deadline for another similar period.

The Cabinet meeting also approved a draft law on regulating the sports clubs, and passed it on to the Shura Council.

Under the provisions of the draft law, the establishment of a sport club or moving it from one place to another is not allowed without a licence. The Minister of Youth and Sports should issue the license to establish the club.

The club should have a president and vice-president elected by its general assembly among its members for a period of four renewable years for a period or other similar periods. The president has to manage the club’s affairs according to the strategic plan adopted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and he is responsible before the General Assembly for the club’s performance. The club also should have a general manager, to be appointed by a decision from the club’s president.

Then the Cabinet approved the following:

1- The Cabinet’s draft decision amending the regulation of some administrative units at the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage and  its terms of reference.

2- The draft decision of the Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage on establishing sections in the administrative units at the Ministry and its terms of reference.

Under the provisions of the draft decision, an International Co-operation Department will be added to the administrative units affiliated to the Minister. It will specialise in the preparation of working papers of conferences, seminars and local, regional and international meetings, as well as the preparation for attending conferences and meetings held by regional and international organisations.

The Department of Visual Arts will be also added to the administrative units of the Under Secretary. It will specialise in the development of plans relating to the technical domain of visual arts and in the organisation of educational programmes and training and workshops in the fields of contemporary and traditional visual arts.

The ministerial draft decision also included provisions for the establishment of sections at the administrative units of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage and set its terms of reference.

The Cabinet then reviewed the following topics and took the appropriate decision:

1- The letter of HE the Minister of Economy and Trade on the outcome of the 50th meeting of GCC commercial co-operation committee (Riyadh-November 2014).

2- The letter of the National Committee of arms embargo on the 29th report on the committee’s work during the period from 1/5 to 31/8/2014.



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