
MoI showcases 'security museum' at Milipol

MoI showcases 'security museum' at Milipol

May 27, 2022 | 09:48 PM
The MoI 'museum' exhibited a number of valuable collections.
As part of the recently held Milipol Qatar 2022, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) dedicated a pavilion featuring a private museum to showcase its history and development, including the different stages its departments have gone through over the years.The MoI 'museum' exhibited a number of valuable collections from its past and present, consisting of old and modern military uniforms for various police departments such as the Police College, Traffic, Al Fazaa, etc, and also included medals, police uniforms, communication devices and old naval radars.
At the museum, the visitors had an activities room, created and designed in accordance with the latest technology and including a screen that simulated virtual reality technology. It displayed the types of weapons and old vehicles used in different periods, as well as modern security systems, using multiple videos divided into different sections: weapons and ammunition, surveillance cameras, modern digital systems and the latesttechnology used.
The museum also contained old documents for police transactions, letters, official decisions and criminal complaints, which have been archived electronically, and these could be reviewed through a screen.In addition to this, the museum included an old patrol model and a motorcycle used by the police force. The museum was designed to mimic the architectural theme of the MoI's existing buildings and installations, inspired by Qatartarget="_blank"'>
May 27, 2022 | 09:48 PM