
579 to face prosecution for violating Covid measures

579 to face prosecution for violating Covid measures

January 17, 2022 | 02:07 PM
The designated authorities referred 579 people to the prosecution for non-compliance with the preventative and precautionary measures in place in the country to contain the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19), the Ministry of Interior said Monday.Of these, 132 people were referred to the prosecution for not maintaining safe physical distancing, 441 for not wearing a mask, 1 for violating the rule on the number of people allowed in a vehicle, 3 for not downloading the Ehteraz app, and 2 for not complying with the conditions of quarantine.The measures are in line with a Cabinet decision and Decree Law No. 17 of 1990 on infectious diseases, and the precautionary measures in force in the country to contain the spread of Covid-19.The authorities have called on the public to adhere to the precautionary measures in place to ensure their safety and that of others.
January 17, 2022 | 02:07 PM