
MoPH trains school nurses of WHO-accredited schemes

MoPH trains school nurses of WHO-accredited schemes

November 15, 2019 | 11:29 PM
Nurses and supervisors with officials during the training programme.
The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Hamad Medical Corporation and primary health care institutions, organised a workshop for 220 new nurses from public, private and community schools.
The training programme, according to a press statement by MoPH, was attended by supervisors of the World Health Organisation (WHO) accredited student growth schemes. It was held as part of the efforts to apply the new growth plans by the WHO for students between 5-19 years.
Nurses and supervisors attending the training programme
Dr Kholood al-Mutawa, head of the non-communicable disease section at the MoPH
The exercise was also a part of the four workshops, organised by MoPH to train nurses on how to use and apply the WHO’s new growth plans and early detection of malnutrition cases and overweight, underweight and growth problems in school students. The programme was aimed at providing the nurses with a database on student growth from both sexes, build a surveillance system to monitor the health status of students, especially overweight and obesity cases, and help them know how to record and retain health data of students from their profile within schooltarget="_blank"'>
November 15, 2019 | 11:29 PM