
Give it a Break

Give it a Break

August 22, 2019 | 01:26 AM
By Ghanim al-Sulaiti
With September just around the corner, a month typically associated with returning to routine, this is the perfect time of the year to start cleansing and detoxing all the food you’ve been eating all summer long. A juice cleanse is a type of detox that involves consuming vegetable and fruit juice for a short period of time, such as one to three days.The concept of making juice from fruits or herbs for health benefits has been used through the ages. After the invention of the first modern juicing machine in the 1930s, alternative health practitioners began recommending juicing as a cure for a number of issues with the body. Fruits and vegetables are filled with rich vitamins, minerals, and fibres – and juicing, extracts those nutrients making them easier to digest. Drinking juice is believed to flood the body with healing nourishment while also flushing toxins and waste.For one to three days of the actual cleanse, it is recommended to drink at least 32 ounces of juice or smoothie with at least half being green vegetable juice – adding ingredients such as kale, and spirulina.Raw, organic juice is the key component of the cleanse. Its nutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidants are in an easily absorbable liquid form. Vegan snacks may be included for people who are new to juice cleansing.Celery, kale, carrot, cabbage, apple, spinach, beetroot, and leafy greens work well for juicing, but avocados and bananas have a low water content and therefore don’t juice well, and are better off being used in a smoothie. Many people often find it easiest to make the juice at the beginning or end of the day and to prepare enough for one full day. During a juice cleanse, it is best that you drink juice or smoothies every few hours during the day.For maximum nutrient absorption, you should drink a juice slowly rather than gulping it down.At my vegan cafe, we have a process that initiated a gentle, natural juice extraction, guaranteeing the juice retains vital vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The juices contain 3 times the nutritional content of those produced by a standard juicer and all of our cleanses have been expertly designed to give maximum healing, cellular repair and detoxification. In addition to this, in order to be aligned with our vision and to be as sustainable as possible, all of our cleanse juices are served in reusable glass bottles.There’s no doubt how good you feel after juice cleansing. Three days in and you’ll be sharing all of the health benefits that you’re feeling. Better energy, great sleep, glowing skin, no more sugar cravings...the list goes on.More than 50% of people are dehydrated, even without realising – consuming less than the recommended daily 5-6 glasses of non-caffeinated, beverages. Drinking adequate fluids like water and low sugar, cold pressed juice helps the body function more efficiently, improves energy, and helps remove toxins more effectively. Drinking water throughout the day, even while on your juice cleanse helps keep everything moving. It’s time to give your digestive track a break and give juicing a chance to help you heal. Good luck, and happy detoxing.* The author is an expert in vegan wellbeing and health. Instagram handle: @Ghanim92 
August 22, 2019 | 01:26 AM