
Prices stabilise for vegetables produced locally

Prices stabilise for vegetables produced locally

March 08, 2019 | 10:46 PM
Central Vegetable Market at Abu Hamour
The Central Vegetable Market at Abu Hamour Area has seen substantial supplies of good quality locally produced vegetables of different varieties at reasonable retail prices. 
Local Arabic daily Arrayah reported Friday that a 7kg box of tomatoes sold for QR21, 7kg eggplant at QR19, 8kg cauliflower for QR24, five kg lettuce for QR25 and 10kg cabbage for around QR30. Only cucumber was sold at a higher price, QR44 for a box of 7kg. Imported vegetables, including potatoes, garlic and onion, were also sold at reasonable prices.Hamad al-Shahwani, head of the Control and General Cleaning Section at Doha Municipality, pointed out that there has been a great leap in the production of local vegetables since the unjust blockade was imposed on Qatar on June 5, 2017 due to the great support offered by the country to such an important sector. "This in turn reflected positively on stabilising the prices of many vegetables, with around 40% drop in prices. Besides, consumers are now more willing to buy locally produced varieties due to their good quality and pricing," he said. The Control and General Cleaning Section maintains strict monitoring of the cleanliness of the market on a daily basis. "Any product found unfit for consumption is immediately disposed off," the official added.
March 08, 2019 | 10:46 PM