
The power of sharing

The power of sharing

March 06, 2019 | 11:42 PM
Ghanim al-Sulaiti
There are many ways in which sharing prompts change. Sharing through communication not only educates us, but such shared knowledge shapes the way we lead our lives, the decisions we make, and the lifestyle choices we choose to adopt. Over 5 years ago, when I began exploring the world of veganism, I valued those who shared the wisdom and truths of a plant based lifestyle. Following this, I learned to ensure that others found me as ‘approachable’— specifically to those with questions surrounding my plant-based diet. I welcome new ideas and establish connections with new people, without judgement. With this open-approach, people are much quicker to learn about my healthy lifestyle choices and then consider how they could integrate healthier food in their own lives. It’s why we should never underestimate the power of sharing our knowledge and experiences. These conversations have the capacity to change lives. Sometimes I find myself drinking a smoothie or having a salad in my hand; and someone in the elevator will ask about it or would tell me about their own philosophy about health. I learned that sometimes it’s best to just listen and learn, while other times it’s an opportunity to inspire and provide my point of view. One of the first times I felt like I had impacted someone’s life was in Jordan, when I told a local about my lifestyle.During this trip, I was accompanied both, by a local driver; and a tour guide. I asked the tour guide if he could recommend a vegan restaurant for me to sample. As he was trying to think of a restaurant, his curiosity kicked in. “What made you go vegan?” He asked, before following up with: Why?” — a very important question, that deserves an in-depth answer. During the long hours in the car travelling between cities in Jordan, I answered him. I shared my full experience with him. The highs and the lows, the challenges and the rewards. We talked about my beliefs, my journey and my intentions with a plant based diet. The next day, he arrived at the hotel ready to pick us up and begin another day of sight-seeing. Before the car started moving he told me me,“You know, you inspired me to try some of those vegan dishes you talked about. I never would have tried them, but now I can tell that it made a difference.”“Really,” I exclaimed, a bit surprised by his new enthusiasm.“Yeah. It really made sense, so I told my family about it and we tried it.”I’m still amazed at the effects a simple conversation with strangers can have on lives. The tour guide started out just doing his job, but sharing of my vegan experience led to a change in his way of thinking, with him even being thankful for it. You never know who you may inspire, but this experience made me believe even more in the importance of sharing our experiences.* The author is an expert in vegan wellbeing and health. Instagram handle: @Ghanim92
March 06, 2019 | 11:42 PM