
New Year, New You! Is it?

New Year, New You! Is it?

January 01, 2019 | 09:37 PM
Sanam Baloch
New Year’s Resolutions are tricky. They’re easy to make, but a lot harder to keep. At the start of every year, we are bombarded with articles and adverts that extol the ‘New Year, New You’ mantra, whether this involves becoming vegan, using less plastic, giving up fur or investing in your beauty regimen and a gym membership. The global appetite for self-improvement doesn’t appear to be crumbling anytime soon. Call it the triumph of hope over experience: It’s a new year, full of promise and anticipation, and though your brain knows that the resolutions you make might get broken along the way, your heart impels you to list those promises anyway. Because being positive is all that matters and it is one of the only things you’re going to have besides you when everything else seems bleak at some point of time. Which we wish never happens. You outshine always! My New Year resolution is to have a fashionista year – full of surprises, glitter, paparazzi and pizzazz runways. Is it the same for celebrities who actually live such life anyways. We find out! It clearly shows that all of them are very skeptical about making drastic resolutions, often seeing them as ‘a load of nonsense that is recycled year after year and quickly left forgotten.’ Instead, they prefer to approach the New Year as a time to realign one’s priorities, starting with the very basics and sometimes just about facing what the year throws at their face and deal with it with an uncanny strength and belief.Sanam Baloch“My resolution is to continue to have the grace to be thankful for everything including the places, things and people you’d sometimes rather just forget. Every single thing happens for a reason. Keeping up with my acting career and connecting with my fans and audiences as they want to see me more in drama serials – following my passion you know. Also it’s always the same for me - to be happier and healthier than the year before. Be kind to myself, be happy in my own skin and take more ‘me time’, just find time to do enjoyable things for myself.”Ayesha Omar“I want to make fitness a priority. I want to start exercising more and focus on strengthening my body.”Farhan Saeed“This year I have given myself the goal to make a positive difference in the lives of upcoming music artistes who are going through a definitive phase of their journey. I have been there myself and where I am now, I feel it is my responsibility to tap into my immensely talented Pakistan.”Sana Javed“My New Year’s resolution for 2019 is to make sure I create a more positive social circle for myself and eliminate all the negative things and vibes”.Sadaf Kanwal“I always end up breaking my New Year resolution. So this time I’ll try hard to keep it. I want to look after my fitness even more than this year, skip junk food and spend some more time with my family and friends.”Ramsha Khan“Nowadays everyone is so hooked to their phones that they are almost addicted to it and often happen to miss out on life’s precious little things happening around them. Since I prefer living in the moment, my resolution for the coming year is to focus less on the digital screen and more on the world and the beauty it beholds in every moment.”Junaid Khan“To be a better version of myself. Contribute in anyway possible towards giving awareness about how important human life is.”Wahaj Ali“New year is the time to make some new changes and setting some goals, my resolution for this year is to accept yourself as you are, as you see self-acceptance is really important. Just live your life, have as much faith as you can and it’s okay to be afraid, to be depress but talking to someone, taking help and don’t let fear prevent you from moving forward. Letting go and being there for someone.”Hareem Farooq“Nothing very extravagant but spending more time with my family. Something that is extremely close to my heart.”Ali Rehman Khan“Instead of making a resolution, I just plan to get into 2019 full throttle and see what the year throws my way!”
January 01, 2019 | 09:37 PM