
Met Dept warns of thundershowers, dusty winds

Met Dept warns of thundershowers, dusty winds, low visibility

October 21, 2018 | 12:36 PM

A day after the phenomenal downpour, Qatar today too is witnessing rains of varying intensities over different parts of the country. Department of Meteorology has warned of thundershowers in most of the areas. In an earlier tweet, the Met Dept also warned of strong winds causing rising dust and poor visibility.

While the rains were moderate to heavy in northern parts till noon, Dukhan witnessed thundery rain. In eastern and areas, the rain was moderate in the morning. 

In an afternoon tweet, the Ministry of Interior said thunderstorms were observed by Met Dept in Ras Laffan, Al-Khor, Al-Atoriya, Al-Jumailiya, and offshore in Um Bab. The MoI also urged the residents to take precautions and follow safety guidelines. 

Most of the roads have become free of storm water by today and Ashghal, the Public Works Authority, in a morning tweet said water was cleared in most tunnels which were opened to traffic since morning, except Omar bin Al Khattab and the Immigration tunnels where work was ongoing.  Ashghal said these tunnels too will be opened to traffic in the next few hours.
October 21, 2018 | 12:36 PM