
Motorists ‘must carry’ licence while driving

Motorists ‘must carry’ licence while driving

July 30, 2018 | 12:16 AM
MoI officials addressing yesterdayu2019s press conference. PICTURE: Ram Chand
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has reiterated the dangers of driving without a licence as part of its ongoing traffic awareness campaign, ‘Accident-Free Summer’.A total of 143 violations pertaining to driving without a licence were recorded in the first half of 2018, Capt Khalid Mubarak al-Khulaifi, head of Traffic at Dukhan, said yesterday as the campaign entered its fourth week.The campaign has highlighted, in the previous weeks, common traffic violations such as stopping in the yellow box, using the mobile phone while driving and not wearing seatbelts. This week, the focus is on raising awareness on the issue of driving without a licence and the risks it poses to road users, pedestrians and passengers, the MoI has said in a press statement. The details of this week’s theme were discussed at a press conference yesterday.It was highlighted at the press conference that motorists should always carry their original valid licence while driving, and that a photocopy or a soft copy of the same will not be accepted in case of a check by traffic patrols. A violation will be issued to the motorist for not keeping and producing the licence when asked for by the police.Capt Khalid Mubarak al-Khulaifi, head of Traffic at Dukhan, said Article 29 of the Traffic Law (2007) stipulates that “no motor vehicle shall be driven on the road unless the driver has obtained a driving licence from the licensing authority entitling the holder to drive such a vehicle”.Persons belonging to any of the following categories are exempted from these provisions: holders of driving licences issued by the armed forces, police and other security agencies for driving these agencies’ vehicles only; citizens of the GCC states holding valid driving licences issued by the competent authorities in their respective countries; visitors and tourists holding non-Qatari valid driving licences and who undertake to submit such licences to the licensing authority within 15 days from the date of entry to the country, to be held for the period in which they are allowed to stay in the country or a period specified by the licensing authority; and visitors and tourists holding valid international driving licences.He noted that the law also criminalises the act of allowing a person without a driving licence to drive a car.Capt al-Khulaifi said traffic patrols continue with their campaigns on a daily basis to ensure that people do not commit this violation, and no tolerance is shown because of the severe risks involved.Further, he stressed that a person holding a licence for any light, heavy or equipment vehicle is not permitted to drive other vehicles. The official said juveniles who are caught driving without a licence will be transferred to the Juvenile Police Department in order to take the necessary measures against them. The patrol and traffic investigation department has been carrying out a campaign focusing on violations such as driving without a licence as well as using the mobile phone or not wearing the seatbelt. Director of the Traffic Awareness and Information Department, Col Mohamed al-Hajri, too, stressed that the Qatari law criminalises driving without a licence. He advised people to fully abide by driving principles and obtain a licence before driving, QNA reported.Col al-Hajri also spoke about a video that is being circulated on social media. It shows a motorist engaged in stunt driving in the Al Waab area, committing several violations in the process. He informed that the person concerned was held following traffic investigations and would be presented to the prosecution.He said the General Directorate of Traffic urges all road users, whether during weddings or other celebrations, to abide by traffic rules and regulations and to avoid danger.
July 30, 2018 | 12:16 AM