
How to live a happy life: Epictetus’ lessons

How to live a happy life: Epictetus’ lessons

July 05, 2018 | 09:41 PM
Dr Abdul Waheed Khan
The modern man is faced with a difficult world. He has to work in an increasingly competitive landscape and cope with an overwhelming information-overload brought on by the technological explosion. Conflicts are widespread and have global impact, thanks to the electronic media. Injustice and oppression make a mockery of civilisation. Disease and poverty fly in the face of human progress. Finding solace in this frantic and frenzied world of ours is a challenge. Happiness, the main driver of human behaviour, is the most sought after commodity that would readily be purchased at any price, if a sum of money could procure it. Thinkers, psychologists, and philosophers alike have endeavoured to know the secret of happiness with scientists foraying into the quest with equal ardour. Monks and mystics have had recourse to religion. The conquest of happiness, however, is yet to happen. Epictetus, a Greek philosopher of the Stoic school, devoted his life to teaching the art of happiness. The following is a super-abridged account of his work condensed into ten general principles. His lessons are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago. 1.Know yourself and your limitsThe first step is to know who you are, what you are capable of doing and what you are not. In this world, the only two things over which you have absolute control are your views or opinions and your actions. Events, things, and other people are completely beyond your control. Trying to change what lies outside the remit of your influence is the main source of unhappiness and discomfort. 2.Let reason govern your thoughts and actionsMan’s ability to reason is God’s most precious gift which must be preserved and enhanced through judicious use and proper training. When things happen around us, they make appearances or impressions which we can perceive through our five senses. Humans are inherently capable of deploying reason to seek out the truth in these impressions. Humans’ use of logical reasoning to arrive at a rational conclusion is one of nature’s most remarkable feats.  Exercising reason to analyse the world without letting emotions cloud your judgement is essential in liberating yourself from much unwarranted agony.  3.Have a purpose in lifeLife is yours for a season and you must not squander the gold of your days in an aimless existence. You can’t afford your life to be like an abandoned ship on a wayward voyage, buffeted by the strokes of destiny. A purposeless life is meaningless, unsatisfying and unfulfilling. You must, therefore, have a purpose which will give you a focus — a sense of direction. Furthermore, life will feel more satisfying and worthwhile. 4.Cultivate a characterMany people live a fake life. Creating a persona which they put on like a mask to hide their own face, they affect a pretentious style to impress others. In their desperate attempt to sound more agreeable, impressive and wise, they apishly imitate others whom they consider more important. Getting a result contrary to what they expect, such people always end up feeling inferior deep inside. In fact, such base imitation is a source of discontent and a serious impediment to happiness. Create your own true character by building on your strengths and remedying your personal flaws. Conduct yourself in consonance with your true character both in public and in private. 5.Do not curse or blame Unnecessary dwelling on the past or worrying too much about the future can destroy your peace of mind. Watch out for the tendency to lament what went wrong or to constantly fear what might go wrong. This habit achieves nothing but stops you from enjoying the present moment. Cherish the good things here and now and be prepared for any eventuality. Always remind yourself: “Destiny is not in my control. Events are not in my control. I can only control the views I take of them.” 6.Do not grieve a lossAny worldly loss is destiny’s pronouncement that must be accepted with equanimity. Excessive lamentation over what you cannot change is an exercise in futility. Do not blame yourself, others or providence for anything that goes wrong. It is pointless to blame and curse yourself or someone else for woes that befall you. Have lost something? Money or a loved one? Consider it something that destiny gave and took back. Learn to wean your heart from things that are not absolutely yours.7.Take the high roadThere are usually two ways to respond to any difficult situation. One way often makes it easy to bear the difficulty, the other less so. Suppose a coworker treats you impolitely by yelling at you and saying nasty things without any fault of your own. One response is to consider this just an appearance over which you have no control, something for which, therefore, you don’t have to feel slighted. This response is better than getting upset and feeling insulted. Prevent people and events from impacting you adversely by choosing the proper response.8.Think well, then actYou will frequently encounter problems to which more than one response is possible. Whenever the stakes are high, never act on impulse. Take your time. Think things through. Analyse the situation – from all angles. Look at the whole picture: look at the details. Once you have grasped the matter adequately, take your decision. You are less likely to regret it after. 9.Think of your dutiesEach relationship in which you are bound to other people ordains certain duties and rights. It is your father’s duty, for example, to provide for your food and other needs and to look after you and love you when you are a child. Suppose your father could not provide for your needs well and was cold and not so loving. He failed his duty. Does that mean, you as a son should reciprocate in equal measure by not doing what is your duty? Certainly not! You must remain a good son by obeying your father and treating him with respect and care. You must act just as your duty toward other people obligates you, regardless of how they act. Odd as it may seem, this approach will add to your life’s happiness.10.Seek Happiness for AllLetting others share in your bliss multiplies you own happiness. Be grateful for anything good that happens to you and others. Unadulterated pleasure is possible only if you do not let envy of others become a thorn in your side. Apt is the story here of the two rosebuds who open their eyes one spring morning.One of them, who is selfish, cries: “My beauty and sweet scent are just mine. I will never let anyone feast their eyes on me or smell my perfume.”  The other one, who is generous, says: “I will give myself away. I will let everyone enjoy my beauty and be pleased by my fragrance.” By and by, the selfish rosebud shrivels and dies whilst the generous one blossoms into a rose.
July 05, 2018 | 09:41 PM