
CRA issues third version of class licence for short range devices

CRA issues third version of class licence for short range devices

May 21, 2018 | 12:15 AM
The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has issued the third version of the Class Licence for Short Range Devices (SRDs) following an extensive public consultation in late 2017. The new version enables stakeholders to introduce new technologies and devices in the market and be better prepared for future demands. “The new version of the class licence will accommodate larger range of applications and the latest developments in radio-communications applications and technologies, which will benefit service providers, RTTE Equipment suppliers and manufacturers and consumers.“This is aligned with the CRA’s goal to ensure the provision of advanced, innovative, and reliable ICT services that is rapidly evolving, and to ensure that there is enough spectrum to accommodate it in Qatar by balancing the needs of existing spectrum users with the new technologies,” said CRA president Mohamed Ali al-Mannai.The new version of the class licence includes the addition of new frequency bands for SRDs for wide range of M2M applications and a separate section for wireless access systems, including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs) applications and radio microphone applications. It also includes the corresponding authorised frequency ranges and the maximum allowed output power.The class licence for SRDs enables anyone in Qatar to possess, install, and operate for personal use the approved class of devices at prescribed frequencies stated in this license without having to apply for a license. There are no licence or spectrum fees, but in the case of importing SRDs for commercial purposes in Qatar, it’s obligatory to obtain import and type approvals from the CRA.The third version of the class licence for SRDs can be accessed through
May 21, 2018 | 12:15 AM