
Q-Post signs logistic partnership agreement

Q-Post signs logistic partnership agreement

August 30, 2017 | 01:25 AM
Faleh Mohamed al-Naemi (right) and Howaida Nadim at the agreement signing yesterday.
Qatar Post and Foresight Communications Consultancy yesterday signed a logistic partnership agreement aiming to provide premium delivery services to the e-commerce platform “PurpleBox” and promote the use of internal eCommerce in the country.The new platform, is a ( “B2B” and “B2C”) solution that provide end-to-end e-commerce transactions (selling – online payment – delivery) to local merchants selling through traditional shops or home-based merchants promoting their products through social media like Instagram.The agreement stipulates the delivery of products from the merchants to buyers within 24 hours from placing orders. Through its branch network the Qatar has the capacity and fleet to deliver orders to Purplebox customers anywhere in Qatar or by arranging delivery through Q-Post smart lockers locations.Qatar Post chairman and CEO Faleh Mohamed al-Naemi and CEO of Foresight Communications Howaida Nadim signed the agreement. Foresight owns PurpleBox platform. Engineer Mohamed El Bashir, co-founder and chief technology officer at PurpleBox, said the platform launch is planned by October 2017.
August 30, 2017 | 01:25 AM