
Chance of rain with strong wind for Tuesday

Chance of rain with strong wind for Tuesday

August 28, 2017 | 08:02 PM

There is a chance for thundery rain with sudden strong wind inshore on Tuesday, the Met office has forecast.

The maximum temperature of 40C is expected at Abu Samra, followed by 39C in Doha and at Al Khor, 38C at Mesaieed, Wakrah and Dukhan, and 36C in Ruwais.

The minimum temperature of 29C is forecast at Abu Samra, followed by 30C at Al Khor and Dukhan, 32C at Ruwais and 33C at Mesaieed, Wakrah and in Doha.

Monday, the maximum temperature of 45C was recorded at Batna and Karanah and the minimum of 29C at Abu Samra.

August 28, 2017 | 08:02 PM