
One more coral reef site to get protected by RasGas, MME

One more coral reef site to get protected by RasGas, MME

March 18, 2017 | 10:01 PM
The coral reefs at 'Fasht RasGas' site
Procedures are under way to enlist the new site of the coral reefs at 'Fasht RasGas' within the natural protectorates of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME).

The move is part of co-operation and co-ordination between MME's Environmental Assessment Department and RasGas Limited to flourish the marine environment of the country and achieve the targeted biological diversity. The department has maintained two related programmes with the company. In 2012, RasGas moved 1,693 natural coral reefs sites and moved another collection of 1,100 in 2014 to other sites to mitigate the adverse consequences of marine pipes installation processes.The RasGas programme in this regard included a mid-yearly programme for surveillance and follow-up within its first five years, in addition to the assessment of industrial pillars links on natural coral reefs, after moving them to their new sites. In the meantime, RasGas presents a mid-annual report to the department on the health of the coral reefs in the country, where 3D imaging techniques are used to follow up their growth and health. An independent third party consultant prepares this report, which is revised and audited by an expert in the field.

March 18, 2017 | 10:01 PM