
Qatar Charity implements development projects in Tchad

Qatar Charity implements development projects in Tchad

January 14, 2017 | 11:40 PM
A grain-milling machine installed by QC.
At least 5,000 people have benefited from Qatar Charity’s (QC) humanitarian and development projects in Tchad, Africa, with the help of Qatari philanthropists.Some of these projects include a dispensary, drilling artesian wells and providing grain-milling machines, irrigation pumps, and other income-generating projects in Omdurman village. QC also established a dispensary equipped with the latest medical equipment to provide medical services for the villagers. QC drilled a solar-powered artesian well equipped with water distribution network to provide villagers with potable drinking water, as well as “time and labour-saving milling machines.” QC also provided the villagers with three electric irrigation pumps, which will be used for their crops and to take advantage of the lands near the Chari River. The project helped the village to move towards self-sufficiency in food. Income-generating projects provided widows and orphans’ families with stalls, sheep, motorcycles, sewing machines to improve their life conditions. The Secretary of the Ministry of Health thanked the Qatari people for their generous donations and QC for its efforts. “We are prepared to co-operate with QC in providing the dispensary with medical staff,” he added.  Khalid Huda, director of QC office in Tchad, said they were able to reduce the prevalence of water-borne diseases, as well as foster self-sufficiency and marketing their products.
January 14, 2017 | 11:40 PM