
Fast lane on Shamal Road to be closed for two months

Fast lane on Shamal Road to be closed for two months

April 18, 2016 | 08:52 PM
Ashghal will put in place from Wednesday a two-month closure on the fast lane of the Doha-bound Shamal Expressway.The closure will start approximately one kilometre after the Exit 35 (Al Khor Exit) at the intersection of Al Shamal Road with Al Khor Road. This will be followed by a traffic diversion on part of Al Shamal Road including the four northbound lanes for the same length (as shown in the map).During the period, the traffic will be diverted to a newly constructed diversion with the same number of lanes adjacent to the closed section of the road. On the southbound side of Al Shamal, three lanes will remain open to traffic.The speed limit will be reduced from 120 kph to 80 kph along the diversion route to ensure the safety of road users and the project’s workforce.The diversion is required to allow for the construction of the bridge at the intersection between Al Shamal Road and the New Orbital Highway, as part of the New Orbital Highway and Truck Route Project, contract four.
April 18, 2016 | 08:52 PM