
The role of women is imperative for peace

The role of women is imperative for peace

March 22, 2016 | 11:11 PM
Haifa Fahoum al-Kaylani and Ibrahim Gambari
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (adopted in 2000) recognised, for the first time, the vital contribution of women to conflict prevention and resolution. As a symbolic act and practical call to action, the resolution acknowledged what we have experienced throughout our careers in diplomacy, business, academia, and development: the involvement of women in peace processes significantly improves the prospects for a more durable peace. Yet, 16 years on, formidable political, socio-cultural, and economic obstacles remain to the full participation of women in peace efforts, whether as peacemakers or as citizens - something the resolution was supposed to help overcome. This is a major conclusion of the Commission on Global Justice, Security & Governance, on which we proudly serve. In our report, “Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance”, we view gender inequality as a fundamental global governance challenge, especially in conflict-affected environments, where, compared to men, women suffer harm differently and disproportionately. Despite the call in Resolution 1325 for greater female participation in peace processes, they remain acutely under-represented in UN-brokered talks. Research carried out by UNIFEM/UN Women reveals that, in fourteen diverse cases since 2000, women’s participation in peace negotiation delegations averaged less than 8%, and less than 3% of their signatories were women. Today, only two of 22 UN undersecretaries-general are women, and in UN missions, women make up less than one-third of the international civilian staff, 21% of senior professional levels, and only 18% of national staff. Moreover, the recent Global Study on the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 found that only 54 countries have formulated National Action Plans for Resolution 1325. Entire regions, notably the Americas and Middle East, are lagging behind. Meanwhile, the plight of millions of women, men, and children in the Greater Middle East seeking refuge in near-by Europe and beyond reminds us daily of the need for urgent action to prevent and end ongoing wars. From sitting at the negotiating table to building the blocks for long-term reconciliation and peaceful co-existence, women are poised to contribute, when given the opportunity, to fair and durable solutions so essential to reduce human suffering. To ensure that women’s voices are heard and decision-makers made more accountable, particularly in fragile states, the commission proposes several innovations to advance a vision of “just security”.First, strengthen the role of women in peace processes. Global and regional institutions should appoint women to prominent peacemaking roles. International actors that support peace processes should demand women’s inclusion in negotiating teams and as signatories to ensure that their experiences and priorities are represented. Second, employ National Action Plans for Resolution 1325 as an effective tool of foreign policy. Incorporating such plans into a country’s foreign policy can secure and sustain political will and resources - two critical components for ensuring that a Plan’s objectives are met and leaders held accountable. Third, tackle the socio-economic factors that disadvantage women’s status in society. The commission recognises several such factors, including the lack of access to education, reproductive health services, and decent work opportunities in the formal economy. Finally, the commission strongly endorses the UN’s goal of empowering women to become national and world leaders in the 21st century. The Campaign to Elect a Woman UN Secretary General, organised by a group of female scholars and civil society leaders, is an excellent example toward achieving this goal. Current possible candidates to succeed Ban Ki-moon include Unesco’s  director-general Irina Bokova, UNDP’s administrator Helen Clark, and former special adviser to the UN secretary-general Amina Mohamed. Their high-level qualifications and proven leadership skills demonstrate that a woman leader can be selected for the UN’s top job based on merit. Whoever is appointed should ultimately place a premium on improving UN recruitment, retention, and the advancement of women to serve in senior posts.All too often women, especially in violent conflict and post-conflict settings, struggle to achieve dignified livelihoods and exert decision-making power, lack access to critical services and suffer serious physical and mental harm - a toxic triple threat that devastates lives and undermines women’s ability to contribute to society. The ideas we lay out above should be considered and acted upon with a sense of urgency. We will only begin to meet the most pressing global governance challenges when women, who are disproportionately victims, are part of the solution.- Haifa Fahoum al-Kaylani is founding chair of the Arab International Women’s Forum and Ibrahim Gambari is former foreign affairs Minister of Nigeria and UN undersecretary-general for political affairs. They both serve on the Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance.
March 22, 2016 | 11:11 PM