
Ericsson mulls methods to advance corporate sustainability

Ericsson mulls methods to advance corporate sustainability

November 24, 2015 | 11:52 PM

Ericsson has discussed methods to advance corporate sustainability at the CSR Qatar 2015 summit titled “Transforming CSR to Support a Socially Responsible and Sustainable Economy” held yesterday the Hilton Hotel.Ericsson’s Joe Y Battikh, head of sustainability, corporate responsibility and government and industry relations, participated in the summit and shared the company’s experience on how to develop a framework for social and corporate impact measurement and assessment. He also contributed his expert knowledge on a keynote executive panel on understanding and defining the role of CSR in Qatar and the region.“At Ericsson, sustainability and corporate responsibility are integrated in our corporate strategy. They are central to Ericsson’s core business and our commitment to the triple bottom line of responsible financial and environmental performance and socio-economic development,” he said.He added: “Our sustainability and corporate responsibility strategy is focused on driving positive change in three main areas: responsible business practice; energy, environment, and climate change; and communication for all. Each area includes specific goals upon which we measure progress year on year. “We also believe that this approach provides new business opportunities, greater efficiency, lower risk, higher brand value, and market leadership.  It finally makes us an attractive employer and supports our efforts to achieve competitive advantage on the long run.”

November 24, 2015 | 11:52 PM