
Argentina band to perform at Katara

Argentina band to perform at Katara

November 04, 2015 | 12:00 AM

The Argentinean Tango Nuevo band will perform at the Opera House of Katara - the Cultural Village this evening.The event has been jointly organised by Katara and the embassy of Argentina in Qatar. The Tango Nuevo Project is a mixture of Milongas and Waltzes, Tango Nuevo and Tradicional; captivating melodies from Buenos Aires and Paris intertwined with a bit of mystery from Damascus and Mumbai. They bring tango-inspired music from all over the world and use influences from different cultures in their music, appealing to a wide audience.The title of the show is Emoci?n, which is expected to take the audience on a unique and emotional experience through the combination of music, poetry and video images. The focus is on the music, but video images are used to enhance the experience and support the emotional tension. With poetry and storytelling, the band will set the mood. Those interested can book their tickets at or

November 04, 2015 | 12:00 AM