
Saretsky, Lord post wins at QGL Golf Tournament

Saretsky, Lord post wins at QGL Golf Tournament

September 14, 2015 | 11:33 PM

(L to R) John Lord, Michael Saretsky, Simon Rowlands, Johan Joubert, QGL president PK Mathew, John Anthony, Jay Branch, Piyushkumar Patel, Albert Dalton and Sanjay Jain.


By Sports Reporter/DohaMichael Saretsky and John Lord emerged victorious in flight A and flight B, respectively in the ‘start of the season’ golf tournament organised by Qatar Golf Lovers over the weekend at the Doha Golf Club. Fifty-two golfers participated in the tournament which was played on a strokeplay format.Johan Joubert won the second prize in flight A, while John Anthony was the runner-up in Flight B.Piyushkumar Patel won the ‘longest putt’ award, Jean-Dominique Lucas won the ‘longest drive’ award, Jay Branch won the ‘closest to rope’ award and Simon Rowlands won the ‘closest to pin’ award.QGL hosted a prize distribution and lunch for all golfersand gave away prizes to allwinners.

September 14, 2015 | 11:33 PM