
Qatar among top 20 worldwide financial centres; rating up by 7 points

Qatar among top 20 worldwide financial centres; rating up by 7 points

March 22, 2015 | 10:38 PM

The GFCI 17 index, sponsored by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority (QFCA), covers 82 financial centres from around the world, and is published by the London based Z/Yen Group.Qatar has found place in the top 20 worldwide financial centre ranking in the latest Global Financial Centres Index, GFCI 17.Qatar’s rating rose by seven points, mainly driven by its increasing competitiveness, international relations and perceived significance as a leading financial centre not only within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) but on a global level, said the GFCI 17, sponsored by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority (QFCA), covering 82 financial centres from around the world, and published by the London based Z/Yen Group.The index saw the ratings of Doha, Riyadh and Casablanca reflect the biggest gains in this competitive region, while Dubai and Abu Dhabi saw modest declines.“Qatar’s ranking and rise in ratings reflects how well the economy is performing in an unstable global economy. The QFC’s competitive business environment and its world class legal, regulatory and tax platform provides all firms with the resources they require to grow their businesses in Qatar and the broader GCC region,” according to Yousuf al-Jaidah, deputy CEO of QFCA.Doha continues to make strong progress in attracting the attention of the international financial and business services community, Mark Yeandle, the author of the GFCI, said.Qatar’s regulatory and economic stability in the face of continued energy market uncertainty is testament to Doha’s strength as a globally influential financial centre, he added.GFCI 17 uses 28,494 financial centre assessments completed by 3,527 financial services professionals. Since 2007, well over 120,000 assessments from over 9,500 respondents have built the index.

March 22, 2015 | 10:38 PM