
When undocumented immigrants are underage

When undocumented immigrants are underage

July 18, 2013 | 12:22 AM

By Elise Vincent/Amiens, France


In the French city of Amiens, an hour north of Paris, the issue of underage undocumented immigrants has found a temporary solution, behind the discreet facade of a bourgeois house near the train station.

In this building, which looks like a guesthouse, the France Terre d’Asile organisation (France Land of Asylum) started providing housing to 20 young undocumented immigrants last January. They are from Congo, Sudan or Guinea, and all of them arrived here alone, without parents, in the “little Venice of the North” as Amiens is called.

This type of structure is not very common in France, but has been multiplying lately, due to a steady increase in the number of undocumented teenagers over the past 20 years. On a national scale, between 6,000 and 8,000 undocumented minors are in the care of local authorities, who are not always equipped for such a task.

This situation has become financially unmanageable in areas where there are a big number of young refugees. Local authorities are legally bound to take care of them – this obligation has raised such difficulties that the government recently published a circular on the subject. From now on, the state will provide enough financial help to local authorities to cover the costs during the first days of care.

In Amiens like everywhere else, a young undocumented immigrant costs around 250 euros a day to the city. The total amounts to 8.5mn euros a year. The challenge is a financial one, but also a logistic one: In the Somme department, where Amiens is located, as in many others, the child welfare services (ASE) do not have enough beds in group homes. Recently, some young refugees had to be accommodated in hotels.

The France Terre d’Asile group home is subsidised by the local government. It took some pressure off the local welfare services by taking care of the material needs of these teenagers. Here, they sleep in neat dormitories of three or four beds. They are kept busy with French lessons, socio-educational workshops, cultural activities and sports. They also receive legal aid.

You can hear teenagers laughing in the house, obviously happy to have landed here. However, this ideal home, with old wooden floors, moldings on the ceiling and a housekeeper, might not be enough. In 2000, there were only five undocumented immigrant minors in Amiens. Since 2011, 100 have come every year.

Why these young asylum seekers came here remains unclear. Most of them say they don’t have any contact with their parents. This is the case for Brigette, an elegant teenager with long dark hair from Congo who says she is 17 years old. She says she “took a flight” from Congo Kinshasa to Paris. She got there on January 20, and says that “a woman” took her to a train station and told her to go to Amiens.

At first, she stayed in a shelter home for girls in difficult situations. Then she was sent to France Terre d’Asile when they opened their group home.

“I feel much better here,” she says. Brigette likes “computer science” and would like to stay in France to “study and become a secretary”.

Such fragmented and timid accounts of their past is common among undocumented minors. Some of them have painful life stories. Many of them say they are “orphans” or have “no contact anymore” with their relatives. Most of the time, they were actually sent here by their parents.

Even if they do not always admit it, their goal is often to be taken care of until they reach majority age. They then want to study and get a residence permit in order to bring their family over under the family reunification programme. If a teenager enters France before turning 16, he or she also has more chances of being granted French nationality.- Worldcrunch/Le Monde



July 18, 2013 | 12:22 AM