
Internal auditors get analytics training

Internal auditors get analytics training

October 03, 2011 | 12:00 AM
The workshop participants with officials
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), in collaboration with ACL country partner Argon Global, organised a workshop recently on ‘Data analytics using ACL technology.’ ACL is the leading global provider of audit analytics and continuous monitoring software to the audit and controls professions and the financial management community. Auditors representing banks, government and private sectors received hands-on working knowledge with ACL trial version installed in their laptops. Satpal Singh Badwal, master trainer from ACL, trained the members on how to set analytic objectives, facilitate data acquisition from various sources, check data quality and completeness and report the analysed data. Hassan al-Mulla, president of the IIA, inaugurated the workshop and promised the chapter’s commitment for providing value-added training for internal auditors. P N Rajesh of Argon Global highlighted the growing presence of ACL in Qatar. Sundaresan Rajeswar, IIA board member, who co-ordinated the event, said that an automated model enables internal audit to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach for identifying and managing risk and delivers foresight for greater assurance and value to the business.Badwal pointed out that data analysis by auditors plays an important role. For example, analytics can be used to test 100% of transactions for any specific period. “This enables internal auditors to identify where control failures have occurred in the past, delivering essential hindsight for compliance, governance and risk management,” he added.
October 03, 2011 | 12:00 AM